Adventure travel packages in Chicago
You were looking for a trip that is more action-packed than relaxing? You can choose your trip to Chicago. Kayak through a skyscraper canyon, scale an outdoor rock wall or step out onto a 1,000-foot-high glass ledge. Here are a couple of options for getting your heart racing in Chicago. Get in touch with Uncruise Adventures, check our Online packages for adventure trips and get great online deals.
Why Should you choose Uncruise Adventures for Adventure travel packages in Chicago
Explore the city from a fresh perspective: on the water. Visit the Chicago Riverwalk, where Urban Kayaks provides guided excursions and kayak rentals for independent exploration. Even while experiencing the beautiful scenery, you'll paddle past the vibrant Chicago Riverwalk, historic city bridges, and soaring skyscrapers.
You can experience Chicago in a variety of ways. For that, Unicruise Adventures have a wide range of travel packages available to choose from. If it's your first time, make a point of visiting all of the classics. We've compiled this ultimate list of Chicago must-sees, from famous attractions to award-winning eateries. To be truthful, you won't be able to cross everything off your bucket list in a single weekend, but it's a fantastic cause to return.
Chicago is indeed a massive and multicultural place that is worth visiting. It's ideal for such a family trip, with fantastic food, architecture, and a plethora of world-class sites and museums. You can explore Chicago by taking a road trip to Alton and Grafton and stopping along the route to explore the Great Rivers and Routes.