Prince William Sound Explorer with Cordova

Your Journey Awaits

An exclusive opportunity to sail Prince William Sound aboard Safari Explorer, a luxurious yacht experience. This is the only UnCruise itinerary to visit the region. Kayak, hike, and skiff past centuries-old glaciers. Puffins, eagles, otter, and sea lions wait around every cove. We transport you from Anchorage to the Safari Explorer in Whittier, with plenty of sightseeing along the way.



Included Highlights:
• Dozens of tidewater glaciers including Chenega, Columbia, Meares, and Sheridan

• Island discoveries: Knight, Montague
• Visit the tiny fishing town of Cordova
• Visit Whittier, the former World War II military installation where the entire town lives in one highrise building, with a beautiful view of Passage Canal

• Explore College and Harriman glacial fjords
• Beachcomb rocky shorelines and hike beneath a glacier
• Navigate along the least visited shores in coastal Alaska
• Search for wildlife—bears, humback whales, orcas, eagles, puffins, sea otters, seals, and sea lions
• Kayak, paddle board, and skiff in hidden coves and narrow fjords


NAV = Navigator Cabin, TRB = Trailblazer Cabin, ADM = Admiral Cabin, JCO = Junior Commodore Suite, COM = Commodore Suite, SGL = Single Cabin

Day-by-Day Details

B = Breakfast, L = Lunch, D = Dinner

Day 1: Whittier – Embarkation

Welcome to Whittier, the gateway to Prince William Sound! Your transfer will meet you at the airport in Anchorage, whisk away your luggage, and drive you and your fellow adventurers through the Anton Anderson Memorial Tunnel - at 2.5 miles, the longest highway tunnel in North America - to Whittier. Meet your crew and tour Safari Explorer, UnCruise's flagship vessel and your home for the week. After champagne and a safety demonstration, enjoy your first of many farm-to-table gourmet meals! Adventure here we come. (D)

Day 2: Icy Bay Glaciers

Wake up in the glacial waterways of Icy Bay. Flowing down from the 4,000-foot surrounding peaks, Chenega, Tigertail, and Tiger glaciers are all options this morning. Hop in a skiff, and if conditions are right, kayak in a remote cove tucked into the shoreline. Your expedition team shares how glaciers sculpt and alter the landscape on a daily basis. Feel the essence of this land of the Chenega people, meaning “beneath the mountain,” as you weave through these deserted islands by kayak, skiff, and yacht. (BLD)

Day 3: Captain's Choice

Tuck into the southern reaches of Prince William Sound, exploring its sculpted islands. Some call it “gunkholing”—nosing around the next cove—and there’s plenty to see. Search for whales, seals, sea lions, and seabirds from the bow or opt to kayak or beachcomb for a closer look at island life with natural and cultural history notes from your guides. (BLD)

Day 4: Cordova

Cordova, this tiny fishing town only accessible by air or sea, is quintessentially Alaska. Explore on your own or join your shipmates on a walking tour to see the mouth of the Copper River. Or you can choose to accompany your guides for a day below the Sheridan Glacier. For those looking to adventure all out, race your guides to the top of the EYAK ski hill on our hard charger hike. Finally enjoy the landscape before settling back on board for a quiet overnight anchorage. (BLD)

Day 5: Columbia Glacier

Options aplenty this morning. Hike, kayak, skiff, or try your hand at standup paddle boarding in a quiet cove before a hearty lunch back onboard. Next up: towering icebergs born from the approaching Columbia Glacier. Winding its way 32 miles back through Chugach Mountains and with constantly changing conditions, your captain finds the best route to view this massive glacier. (BLD)

Day 6: Unakwik Inlet & Meares Glacier

Arctic terns and bald eagles, harbor seals resting on icebergs, and the massive Meares Glacier as your backdrop, Unakwik Inlet is the perfect place to dip your paddle in the water for a kayak. Or, join a skiff tour to get farther faster in glacier country. This is wilderness at its wildest. Feel the mountains closing in as you cruise through Esther Passage. View a fish hatchery and learn about Alaska’s salmon species. Tonight, join your expedition leader for an interpretive presentation before a relaxing soak in the hot tub under the fading sun.  (BLD)

Day 7: College Fjord & Barry Arm

Day of the grand finales. Big mountains, big ice, and big smiles as we wind down our adventure in the company of all that is quintessentially Alaska. Sea otters float on their backs on beds of kelp. Watch them lounge before diving and rising with puffins in search of food. Take it all in from a kayak or skiff before capping off your week with a celebratory Farewell Dinner and slideshow.  (BLD)

Day 8: Whittier Disembarkation

One last breakfast with new friends before your coach transfer from Whittier along Turnagain Arm on your way back to Anchorage. Then transfer back to the Anchorage airport. (B)


Passport required (non USA citizens). Itineraries are guidelines; variations in itinerary and the order of days may occur to maximize your experience.